
Wednesday, 26 September 2018

A Four-tunate Passing

We were so happy to be in the right place at the right time.

At our Fourmarks practice, Mrs H had been walking past when she decided to test her eyes with the Amsler grid in the window. What she found both surprised and frightened her, but we were able to see her the same day and diagnose the cause.

This is Mrs H's account of the day.

"How fortunate it was that I walked past Matheson Optometrists' window in Four Marks!
I looked at the Amsler grid displayed in the window and discovered that the central vision of my right eye appeared black and misty and the straight lines had become wavy. I closed my right eye and peered at the grid with my left eye. No mist, no black circle, and no wavy lines. That discovery, in my right eye, made me very nervous and worried. I made an appointment immediately to see one of the optometrist.  I saw Mr Andrew Matheson, who gave my eyes a thorough examination and, with the up-to- the-minute technology available at the practice, he was able to diagnose wet-eye macular degeneration. On hearing this, I was rather frightened, but with Mr Matheson’s calm, kindly reassurance and his immediate proactive response, I was able to go to an eye consultant and receive the necessary injection of Avastin in my effected eye.
The sooner this injection is given, the better the prognosis.  Having this injection so quickly, has meant I have a much higher chance of arresting the macular degeneration and saving my eyesight.  It is vital to get to see a ophthalmologist within a couple of weeks of the symptoms starting. Under the NHS the aim is to be seen, and if required, treated within two weeks of the symptoms starting .How lucky I am to have looked into the Matheson Optometrists' window!
A big THANK YOU to Matheson Optometrist's at Four Marks."

Since the diagnosis, Mrs H has had injections at the local Hospital Eye Service and is under good care. Following treatment, Mrs H has added:

"Good news! Having had my second injection at Southampton Hospital Eye Unit, there is an excellent chance of either stopping the vision loss or of improving it. Early diagnosis is vital."

An Amsler grid which can be used at home to check your vision, for signs of macular degeneration. 

Instructions for using the Amsler grid

Test your vision with adequate lighting.
Wear your reading glasses or look through the reading portion of your bifocals (if you normally read with spectacles)
With Progressive or Varifocal lenses you may notice some form of distortion. Distortions may occur as a result of the lens design and not your eyes. If you have a cause for concern please consult an eye care professional.

1. Hold the Amsler grid at normal reading distance (about 35cm).
2. Cover one eye at a time with the palm of your hand.
3. Stare at the centre dot of the chart at all times.
4. Do not let your eye drift from the centre dot.

You can find more about Amsler grids on our website, by clicking HERE.

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