
Saturday, 29 November 2014

JUST 7 DAYS TO GO - charity art auction

The countdown is upon us. You now only have 10 days left to acquire one of these lovely hand painted, professionally mounted pictures. 

to discover more about these works of art and the Returning Vision cause

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Not long left to bid on paintings

Returning Vision is a charitable organisation formed over a decade ago by Cardiff Optometrist Peter Hong. They aim to bring a higher level of eye care to less developed Countries such as Malawi Romania and Moldova. Often taken for granted in our society, the services the charity provide are to be considered life changing.

The artist Jane Brown, who works for the Matheson Optometrist group has kindly donated the paintings to help raise funds to support future trips and to continue the great work for the less fortunate.


Monday, 24 November 2014

Punctal plug fitting and removal video now on youtube

Andrew Matheson, a Therapeutic Optometrist and Dry Eye Specialist, shows how different types of punctal plugs are fitted and removed.

Punctal plugs are a very important part of dry eye treatment and work by reducing the outflow of tears through the lacrimal drainage apparatus. 
Here we see the fitting and removal of Herrick Intracanalicular plugs and Eagle Vision Freeman-type punctal plugs. Later punctal cautery is discussed.

More information can be found on the Matheson Optometrists website and also on the UK dry eye forum,

Matheson Optometrists are based in Hampshire, UK.
Visit the website for more details.

Ocular Solutions, a division of Matheson Optometrists Ltd, distribute Dry Eye products to Optometrists and Eye Surgeons.

New dry eye video on youtube

Here Therapeutic Optometrist and Dry Eye Specialist, Andrew Matheson, tells us about the dry eye products he recommends for most of his dry eye patients and the best way to use them for maximum effect. Andrew has a practice in Alresford, Hampshire.

Some of the treatments covered include the hypotonic, electrolyte balanced dry eye drop, Theratears, along with its more viscous sister product, Theratears Liquid Gel, Sterilid Antibacterial Lid Hygiene Foam, Sterilid Gel, the EyesPack Hot and Cold compresses, TLC lid hygiene wipes, Theratears Nutrition and Eagle Vision Punctal Plugs

See also the Matheson Optometrist Punctal Plug Youtube video