
Tuesday 20 June 2017

Matheson Optometrists Recent Macular Society Talk

Recenly, on Friday 2nd June. Andrew Matheson gave a presentation to  the Macular Society at Haslemere entitled  “Dry eyes, Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration, and Retinal Detachment”. This was very well recieved and provided an update on perevious talks and whats new in our community specialist therapeutic optometry clinics in Hampshire. Videos of various procedures such as intra-vitreal injections and the fitting of amniotic membranes which enlightened members of the society and also provided reassurance that things have moved on in recent years and these procedures are much less invasive than in the past. These and other educational videos can be found on our youtube site

Andrew and Claire Matheson demonstrated various low vision aids including the new USB Colour Monomouse that can plug into a laptop or other computer. A Television version is also available. These can be ordered on an impressive new scheme, found at

Brieley the manufacture have a club you can join ensuring you always have the most up to date equipment. Find out more here.

At the end of the meeting the macular society made a collection that raised more funds for the Returning Vision/Sight 2020 Africa cause, unabling more visually deprived Africans to regain their sight.