
Saturday, 23 March 2013

AOP calls for views on re-testing interval times

The AOP has launched a survey seeking practitioners’ views on re-test intervals. 
Sparked by the recent debate on the topic which has been emerging in particular PCT areas, the survey aims to help establish current ‘peer practice’ within the profession. 
The last survey of this kind was carried out in 2000, and the data fed into the establishment of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) about the frequency of sight tests between the Department of Health, the AOP and FODO. While this agreement currently still stands in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, a separate agreement was established for Scotland. 
The agreement emphasised that the intervals agreed represented a minimum time period rather than a recommended time frame, and were based on ‘peer practice’ at the time. It is believed that a number of PCTs are currently claiming that typical frequencies should now be less than those stated in the MoU, despite no re-negotiation between the DoH and the Optical Confederation having taken place. The results of the new survey will aid the Association in its discussions with the National Commissioning Board on the topic.
While this survey calls specifically for responses from practitioners in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, the AOP has confirmed that a survey designed for Scottish-based practitioners on the same topic will follow shortly.  
To take part in the survey, which will take no more than five minutes,

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